Sophia Luo

Hello! I'm a software engineer and product manager hybrid based in San Francisco, California. After graduating from MIT with a B.S. in Computer Science, a B.S. in Mathematical Economics, and M. Eng in Computer Science (all in 4 years!), I started my career at Scale AI as an engineer. Here are a few highlights:

Feel free to check out my LinkedIn for more details on what I do.

I also like to do some non-work things. In another life, I might have been a visual artist. Other hobbies I enjoy include learning Japanese, playing chess (especially bullet and bughouse), playing tractor, going to Barry's, dancing, listening to EDM, and consuming boba.

I like to build fun things sometimes.
Coming Soon
One day, I will write some thoughts down and put them here.
Coming Soon
Making art stuff is also pretty fun.
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